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11 events found.
Note: Organizations may have additional holiday closures, especially weekends adjacent to a major holiday. Please visit their website or call to verify holiday closures or in the event of bad weather.
If you are in urgent need of food and unable to access a pantry during operating hours, you can visit the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank at 96 Laurel Hill Rd., Verona, VA 24482 or call (540) 248-3663, Monday through Friday 8:30 am until 5:00 pm to find emergency food assistance near you.
Get Groceries
- Blessed Sacrament Food Pantry
- (540) 434-4341. Located in downtown Harrisonburg. No one will be turned away, but you must meet USDA income guidelines to access all food. Serves Harrisonburg and Rockingham residents.
- Cornerstone Church of Broadway Food Pantry
- (540) 901-2569. Located in Broadway. No one will be turned away, but you must meet USDA income guidelines to access all food.
- Elkton Area United Services
- (540) 298-8685 ext #2. No one will be turned away, but you must meet USDA income guidelines to access all food.
- Emmanuel Episcopal Corner Cupboard Pantry
- (540) 434-2357. No one will be turned away, but you must meet USDA income guidelines to access all food.
- Hope Distributed, CDC
- (540) 578-3510. You must meet USDA income guidelines to access all food.
- Lacey Spring Food Pantry
- (540) 820-2331. No one will be turned away, but you must meet USDA income guidelines to access all food.
- Massanutten Presbyterian Church Food Pantry
- (540) 434-6194. No one will be turned away, but you must meet USDA income guidelines to access all food.
- Patchwork Pantry
- (540) 466-4173. No one will be turned away, but you must meet USDA income guidelines to access all food.
- The Salvation Army
- (540) 434-4854. No one will be turned away, but you must meet USDA income guidelines to access all food.
- Paideia Global, Inc.
- (540)830-8129. No one will be turned away.
Get Hot Meals
- Our Community Place
- (540) 208-7552
- The Soup Kitchen at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
- (540) 434-4341
- Otterbein United Methodist Church’s Soup Kitchen
- (540) 434-7747
Enroll in Additional Food Programs
- Backpack Food Kits for weekend food support. Contact your local school guidance counselor or parent liaison.
- Harrisonburg City Public Schools-Nutrition Department
- Rockingham County Public Schools-Nutrition Department
- The Gus Bus
- The Pantry @ JMU
- Valley Program for Aging Services-Meals on Wheels
- Harrisonburg Farmer’s Market SNAP match
- Radical Roots Farm
- The ARC of Harrisonburg and Rockingham
- Vine & Fig Educational Outreach Program
Other Sources of Food & Help
- 211 Virginia
- Staff can help you find resources for a variety of needs including shelter, legal assistance, mental health services, and more.
- Blue Ridge Area Food Bank
- Harrisonburg and Rockingham Department of Social Services
- To find help outside of Harrisonburg and Rockingham County, click here.
Get Prepared
Learn what to expect when you visit a food pantry.
Click here to Get Prepared